Life, The Universe & God

Twelve Mysteries of Cosmic Importance

We all struggle with the mysteries of life. Many in the west have allowed the mainstream media, public school system, and government policies to shape their views on these; many have given these little serious consideration. And we have all paid a very high price for this. We must each wrestle with these and honestly seek the truth. Pondering the mysteries covered in this book will help us to see the truth more clearly and live it more fully. How we view these mysteries shapes our worldview, our lives, and our world.

Below are the twelve mysteries we will contemplate:

  1. Suffering – Why must we suffer? Is there a reason or purpose behind it?
  2. Wrath of God – Did God really command all those terrible things in the Old Testament?
  3. Hell – Do all non-Christians go to hell? Is hell an eternal lava pit?
  4. Christian Fundamentalism – Does this rigid, legalistic approach to religion work?
  5. Moral Therapeutic Deism – Does this non-challenging, feel-good religion work?
  6. In Science We Trust – Can science supply all the answers? Can science save us?
  7. Utopia – Can society create a utopia? Why have all the attempts gone terribly wrong?
  8. Gender, Love, & Family – What values should we hold about gender, love, and family?
  9. Real Men Don’t Go to Church – Why are men under-represented in religion?
  10. Opting Out of Church – Why are people abandoning religion in vast numbers?
  11. The Purpose of Life – What is the real purpose of your life? Of everyone’s life?
  12. Finding Happiness – How do we find happiness? What is even more essential?

Life, the Universe & God includes “Questions to Contemplate.” This generous dose of mostly open-ended questions are indispensable for both personal reflection and small group discussions. We do offer a comprehensive discussion guide for this book with tons of sample answers and quotations. Visit the Paladin Downloads page to access (must be logged in leader).

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