Welcome to Paladins!
Life is a Journey to God, and we all need help on our journey.
We are Evangelical Roman Catholic Christians who faithfully embrace Roman Catholic truth and spirituality. We promote an ongoing, lifelong journey to God, an ever-deepening faith and love, an ever more realized sanctification, a more thorough realization of our status as children of God.
We also acknowledge that the status quo approach to forming genuine disciples of Christ is not working particularly well in any of the western churches. We seek to revitalize our Christian walk and assist others to do likewise. We acknowledge this is no simple matter—no easy matter!
We believe that any grassroots approach to help faithful Catholics overcome the added spiritual assaults of our modern society must include a focus on the following:
- The Christian Family
- Ongoing Formation
- The New Evangelization

What You Will Find at Paladins.us
Please be patient, as we are just getting started with this website; we have a lot of good stuff in the works.
Our Main Articles
The Foundation of Everything
This three-part article establishes important foundations for everything we’re about at Paladin.us. Start Reading >>
“Getting the Most Out of Life” explores the failures of the modern worldview and its promises. It then contrasts the Catholic worldview with the modern worldview, clearly revealing the profound attraction of the Catholic worldview.
“Getting the Most Out of Catholicism” reveals that many Catholics have forgotten that forming disciples is the primary purpose of the Church. This article urges us to focus on forming living, growing disciples of Jesus Christ.
“Getting the Most Out of Discipleship” discusses the importance of having the support of a living, growing disciple to help stoke the fire of faith. It also discusses options for ongoing formation and the importance of discipleship benchmarks.
Small Church Communities
This four-part article shares the Paladin vision for small church communities. Start Reading >>
“Introduction & Vision” explores the vision, nature, and essential ingredients of a Paladin Small Church Community.
“Basic Guidelines” offer a concrete details for structure, layout, commitment, discussion guidelines, meetings format, orientation night, SCC multiplication, Clan Meals, and much more (primarily for leadership).
“Important Goals” covers the Paladins objectives regarding SCC priorities, SCC leadership, SCC management, and much more (primarily for leadership).
“Paladin Materials” covers our approach to discussion series materials, including our unlimited approach to materials, our open-ended questions, our approach to discussion series, and much more (primarily for leadership).
Our Posts Categories
These posts focus on our ongoing journey as living, growing disciples of Jesus Christ. This journey is the purpose of our lives; this journey is most central to what this website is all about.
Small Church Community
These posts describe important foundational information for our small church communities. These posts also serve as an ongoing reflection and discussion of all matters connected to Paladin small church communities.
These posts center around helping others progress on their journey. A truly living, growing disciple is compelled to share their faith and help others along the journey to God.
Family & Society – Coming Soon…
These posts focus on forming healthy Christian families, understanding their importance as the domestic church, incorporating them into the broader family of God, and helping them impact broader society.
The Church
These posts cover the Church as she relates to both her members and broader society. These may cover social and moral issues, the new evangelization, controversies, liturgical matters, and much more.
Reviews & Commentary – Coming Soon…
These posts include reviews and commentary on various YouTube videos, movies, and much more–pretty much any review or commentary not related to a recommended book.
Recommended Books
For the most part, these are recommended Catholic book falling into one of the following subcategories:
- Discussion books are recommended for use in the study series of small church communities.
- Devotional books are recommended for personal devotions (some books do work well for both).
These are not typically detailed reviews. Often, most of the description is from Amazon.com or the publisher. Our purpose here is to draw your attention to these books.
Tough Truths – Coming Soon…
These posts cover difficult and controversial truths about suffering, the wrath of God, hell, and much more. These are truths that folks inside and outside the Church tend to struggle with.
These posts are about the importance of prayer, the kinds of prayer, how to pray, and so forth; these posts are, not actual prayers. See the pages below for actual prayers:
Prayers is a page with a small collection of classic, adapted, and original vocal prayers.
Rosary Meditations to get more out of your rosary! This is the online eBook of Rosary Meditations for the Journey.
“Soular” Reflections
These posts usually contain deeper reflections on the Journey to God that might not fit neatly into discipleship or prayer.
Spiritual Gems is an ongoing post with short thoughts, mottoes, quotes, & so forth.
Whatever doesn’t fit above will fit here! Site-related assistance would go here too.
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